Membership is free to all West Coast (Westland, Buller and Grey District) and Selwyn District residents.
Borrowers are required to abide by the rules and regulations relating to library services at Westland District Library.
Borrowers must return items to the issuing library.
You can join online here as a Full Member or Digital-Only Member. There is no further action needed for Digital Membership however Full Members will need to visit the library to complete the process and collect your card.
When collecting your card you will need to show one photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, NZ Access Card)
It is your responsibility to comply with these conditions of membership:
You are responsible for your library card and all items borrowed on your card.
Guarantors are responsible for the supervision of children/young people they have authorized to use the library, their library cards, all items borrowed, and the content of materials chosen and/or viewed.
Return borrowed items in good condition.
Pay replacement costs for lost or damaged items. Please do not attempt to mend items yourself.
Pay all library rentals and other charges and fees incurred.
Please remember to:
Bring your library card each visit, if lost, a replacement card costs $1.00
Contact us if your card is lost or stolen. You are responsible for items borrowed before the loss is reported.
Contact Us with any change of address, telephone number or email address
Please note that:
You are unable to borrow items if you have more than $5.00 owing
Your contact details are checked every two years when your library privilege is renewed.